Course Description: This course is required for all Site Safety Managers, Coordinators, Construction Superintendents and Competent Persons to satisfy the requirements to obtain a Supervisor Site Safety Training (SSST) card. This is an awareness level training and does not provide any other qualification or authorization outside of the SSST card.
Los temas incluyen:
• 2-Hour Site Safety Plan (SSP)
• 2-Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness
• 2-Hour Pre-Task Meeting
• 2-Hour Tool Box Talks
Pre-requisites: Students usually have a Site Safety Manager/Coordinator or Superintendent’s License but there are no pre-requisite courses needed.
Objetivos: Al finalizar este curso, los alumnos serán capaces de:
• Be generally familiar with the components of a site safety plan.
• Understand details, notes, and plan legend.
• Learn the purpose and proper presentation of pre-task meetings.
• Be aware of administrative regulatory requirements associated pre-task meetings and record keeping standards.
• Be familiar with Toolbox Talks as a quick and easy way for competent persons to reinforce and supplement established training efforts of an employer to keep safety and health compliance at the forefront of all workers minds.
• Demonstrate how to obtain feedback from workers so the talks can become more relevant to what tasks workers are performing.
• Demonstrate how effective toolbox talks can increase camaraderie and communication.
• Be generally familiar with adverse effects of drug and alcohol in the workplace.
• Recognize problems associated with substance dependency.
Course Materials: Will be provided.
CEU’s: 0.8
Duración del curso: 8 horas de formación (sin incluir los descansos de las clases).