Course Description: All New York City (NYC) homeless shelters are required to have an individual holding a Certificate of Fitness (F-80) for “Coordinator of Fire Safety and Alarm Systems” in every facility. This certificate is also needed in any building or occupancy required to have a one-way voice communication system, regardless of occupancy classification, that is operated or occupied by more than 15 persons for a period of more than 30 days, including emergency shelters.
Los temas incluyen, entre otros
- Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Periodic inspections
- Emergency drills
- Special Needs occupants
- Emergency procedures
- Fire alarm systems
- Sprinkler systems
- Standpipe systems
- Test, inspection and repair procedures for fire alarm systems
- Portable fire extinguishers
- Recordkeeping
- Safety in shelters
- Common problems in shelters
Pre-requisites: There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Course Materials:
This course consists of several different components which include power point presentations, lecture, real life case studies, class discussion and hands on demonstration.
CEU’s: 0.7
Course Duration: 7 hours of training (not including class breaks).