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Curso de 10 horas sobre la tarjeta de formación en seguridad en las obras

Tasa de formación


Combined 8 Hour Fall Prevention and 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol course. This course, along with the 30-Hour OSHA card, is required for an individual applying for a New York City (NYC) “Worker” Site Safety Training card (SST).

Session 1
Date: Monday, August 26, 2024
Time: 04:00pm-09:00pm
Location: 49 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY

Session 2
Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Time: 04:00pm-09:00pm
Location: 49 West 38th Street, 10th Floor New York NY

Session 1
Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
Time: 04:00pm-09:00pm
Location: Remote class – ZOOM

Session 2
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Time: 04:00pm-09:00pm
Location: Remote class – ZOOM


Fecha de la formación


Nombre del asistente 1


Course Description: Combined 8 Hour Fall Prevention and 2 Hour Drug and Alcohol course. This course, along with the 30-Hour OSHA card, is required for an individual applying for a New York City (NYC) “Worker” Site Safety Training card (SST).

Topics include:

  • New General Industry Walking Working Surfaces and Fall Protection standard.
  • Background of Local Law 196.
  • Fall protection options.
  • Sistemas de descenso por cuerda.
  • Seguridad de las escaleras.
  • Requisitos de formación.
  • Barandillas, redes y tapas de agujeros.
  • Slips, trips and falls.
  • Estadísticas.
  • Estigma y drogas.
  • Estadísticas profesionales.
  • Signos y síntomas de maltrato.
  • Síntomas físicos.
  • Efectos de las drogas y el alcohol en el lugar de trabajo.
  • Prevención del consumo de drogas y alcohol en el lugar de trabajo.
  • ¿Por qué algunas personas se vuelven adictas a las drogas y otras no?
  • Efectos financieros de las drogas y el alcohol.
  • Signos de comportamiento.
  • Efectos sobre la salud.
  • Uso sinérgico adverso de drogas junto con alcohol.

Pre-requisites:  There are no pre-requisites for this course.
Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Be familiar with terms associated with falls in construction.
  • Recognize, avoid and prevent fall hazards.
  • Be aware of regulatory safety requirements associated with falls, including OSHA’s Subpart M.
  • Learn how to make informed decisions when working at heights.
  • Be familiar with adverse effects of drug and alcohol in the workplace.
  • List and identify the consequences of drug and alcohol use and abuse.
  • Recognize problems associated with substance dependency.
  • Recognize and understand issues of chemical dependence that may adversely affect the lives of others.

Materiales del curso: Se distribuirá durante el curso.

CEU’s: 1.0

Duración del curso: 10 horas de formación (sin incluir los descansos de las clases).

Fecha de la formación

Monday, August 26, 2024, Monday, September 16, 2024


49 West 38th Street, 10th Floor Nueva York NY

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